Teethers are toys that a baby can put into their mouth when new teeth are developing. It is true, babies do get some comfort and relief by chewing on toys, like teethers, when their teeth are growing in. Tender gums might feel better when a light pressure is applied.
Is teething painful for babies?
Signs and symptoms. The level of pain that a baby can handle will be different for each child. Some may appear to suffer more than others while they are teething. The soreness and swelling of the gums before a tooth comes through is the cause for the pain and fussiness a baby experiences during this change.
Does gripe water help with teething?
A baby is more likely to experience stomach discomfort when unable to pass gas. Some babies cry for several hours over days or weeks. Since the herbs in gripe water theoretically help with digestion, this remedy is thought to help with colic caused by gassiness. Gripe water is also used for teething pain and hiccups.
How can you tell if your baby is teething?
Signs that your baby is teething
- Swollen, bulging gums.
- A tooth visible below the gum.
- Trouble sleeping.
- Trying to bite, chew, and suck on everything.
- Rubbing her face.
- Rejecting food.
Which teethers should i avoid?
Plastic can contain a number of chemicals known to be dangerous: BPA (Bisphenol-A), PVC and phthalates.
- BPAis not 100% sure to be dangerous yet, but in 2013 the FDA banned it in baby products. It’s thought to be an endocrine disruptor. Since the ban, companies have moved to BPS – Bisphenol-S as a way of circumventing the law.
- PVCor polyvinyl chloride is known to be a very toxic chemical that you want nowhere near your little one’s mouth.
- Phthalatesare chemicals that are added to plastics to make them more flexible and pliable. Since these chemicals don’t bond to plastic, they can leech out over time as your child sucks on the teether.
What kind of teeters are harmful?
Teething necklaces.
These are just straight-up dangerous, and should never be used. Can get suffocating and strangulating if it gets tight during sleep/play and in case of breakage babies might put it in their mouth which could be fatal.
These can be downright dangerous. The FDA discovered that a popular brand of the tablets (Hyland’s) contains elevanted levels of beladonna, which can have life-threatening effects on a young child. These tablets can cause, among other things:
- seizures
- difficulty breathing
- lethargy
- excessive sleepiness
- muscle weakness
- skin flushing
- constipation
- difficulty urinating
Are wooden Teethers safe as they are natural?
Safety checking is necessary. Some wooden teethers could be dangerous and splinter. Only purchase from a reputable company.
Recommend me some home natural alternatives?
- A frozen washcloth.Simply wet a washcloth, put it in a ziploc bag, and pop it in the freezer for about half an hour. Eco-friendly and cheap! The cold is soothing on tender gums, the texture of the cloth is interesting and appealing to curious mouths, and as there are no harmful materials to worry about. Eco-friendly and inexpensive!
- Wooden spoon.If you have one lying around the home, they can be a quick alternative to a wooden toy. A good-quality wooden spoon will be sanded down so smoothly so there is no possibility of splinters, and they’re very easy for baby to hold onto. The different surfaces of the handle and bowl of the spoon provide a variety of appealing areas to chew on.
- Frozen bagel or banana.Similar to the washcloth idea, a frozen bagel or banana can be a wonderful idea. As it thaws out, it will become softer and baby can gleefully nub it down without any possibility of dangerous splinters or chemicals.